LEAPS S5 Parents’ Information Evening

If you are the parent or carer of a LEAPS-eligible S5 pupil, and they are thinking about college or university, this event is for you.
Tuesday 27 March 2018 19.00-21.00 at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Campus (Riccarton).


Register online: www.leapsonline.org/parents

This is an opportunity for parents, carers and guardians of LEAPS-eligible S5 pupils to come and find out more about the support LEAPS can offer a student who is planning to apply to higher education in S6, as well as providing the chance to speak to university admissions staff, and SAAS, about higher education options and funding via an exhibition. (We are also holding a LEAPS S5 Conference the week beforehand for LEAPS-eligible S5 pupils: www.leapsonline.org/s5conference.)


LEAPS is a participation programme which aims to encourage and advise students who are traditionally under-represented in higher education. We currently work with 59 schools throughout South East Scotland, supporting pupils who match LEAPS eligibility criteria.

(More information about LEAPS can be found at www.leapsonline.org and details of LEAPS eligibility criteria can be found at www.leapsonline.org/eligibility.)