Today marked an important step forward in achieving significant investment in Trinity Academy. The Council’s Education, Children and Families Committee agreed to invest £10m from the 2018-2023 budget into building a new Bangholm sports facility and to develop detailed plans for refurbishment at Trinity Academy.
You might remember when we asked for your help in February, it was to try to ensure funding for improvements at Trinity Academy is included in the Council’s budget programme. The vote today is a first step in spending some of the budget that was set aside for “Replacement High Schools ” on Trinity Academy in the near future. The decision needs to be agreed by the Council’s Finance and Resources Committee and then the full Council before development starts but we anticipate design workshops with interested parties beginning after the summer holidays.
The Council has started to deliver on the commitments it made to delivering a ‘new’ Trinity and developing Bangholm. There is still much to do and a bigger budget needed (a capital investment programme from the Scottish Government will make the biggest difference), but our campaign has succeeded in highlighting the needs of the school and raising its profile.
THANK YOU to all of you who helped our campaign and took time to contact local Councillors to urge the Council to make this investment.