Phase 1 – Bangholm Sports Facility – the proposal is for a new indoor sports facility which will include a gym hall, sports hall, fitness suite and dance studio along with a café-style community space. It will also house a flexible community room and classroom. The indoor PE facilities currently in the main school building will move to Bangholm. This is a significant change and will result in a considerable enhancement of current provision. The building will also provide a base for the Council’s Outdoor Learning Team, including Duke of Edinburgh award activities. The drainage and surfacing of the existing hockey (astro) and rugby (grass) pitches will also be improved. The new facility will be used by the school during the day and will be available to the community in the evenings and at weekends. It is expected that this will be managed by Edinburgh Leisure. The planning application for Phase 1 was lodged in December 2019 with a closing date of 31/1/20 for comments and a determination date of 12/2/20.
Phase 2 – the detail of Phase 2 is yet to be worked up and some assessment of the current school building is required before this can be done. In October 2019, the plan presented by the Council at a public meeting for parents was that Phase 2 would be phased over 5 years, with much of the work in the first 2 years being done in the summer holidays. This detail will become clear once finance is in place and a more detailed design process can take place.