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- Create Date 17th December 2016
- Last Updated 17th December 2016
Deputation from Trinity Academy Parent Council to the Education, Children and Families Committee
This week we issued a written delegation to the City of Edinburgh Council regarding the 'Wave 4' programme for refurbishment of Edinburgh schools and lobbying for additional investment in the school.
As a result, the meeting of the Education Children and Families Committee on Tuesday this week passed the amendment summarised below:
“To further agree to offer to establish a working group at ... Trinity Academy ... and that improvement options be reported back to Committee in March 2017”
We felt this was necessary because there are a few specific areas where the school is already unable to accommodate its existing roll and these accommodation pressures are going to increase in the near future as larger numbers are expected from feeder primaries. Our further concern is that during the long process of preparing Wave 4 plans, investment in the school has been significantly reduced.
We are very pleased to have the chance to work directly with the Council officials on this and look forward to seeing what improvement options they propose to the committee in March next year.