Following our AGM, our Chair, Liz, was delighted to be able to hand over the Parent Council’s donation of over £8,000 to the school. Parent Council funding is used to support equity and inclusion across the school. This year our donation will help to purchase
- Mathletics, an online Maths learning tool
- Spare PE kits
- Mask sets and lighting equipment for the drama department
- Speakers for music practice rooms
- Extra guitars to allow wider opportunities for performance
- A range of novels promoting positive attitudes
- Entry to the Silver LGBT Chartermark
- French and Spanish dictionaries for pupils to use at home
- Subscription to Linguascope to support vocabulary acquisition for learners of other languages and learning of English as a second language
- Screen to enhance communication across the school
- Transport costs for S1 residential trip
- Support to headteacher’s equity fund
- Ties for all S1 pupils
Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising last year. This funding will make a real difference across the school.