There is now movement on the re-development of Trinity Academy. The proposal for Phase 1 (the development of a new sports facility at Bangholm) has been submitted for planning permission and can be seen here.

Initial thinking for the Phase 2 development has been set out (refurbishment of the school building between 2020 and 2025). The Education, Children and Families Committee at Edinburgh Council decided last week that the Phase 2 development should be on the existing school site.

However, no budget for Phase 2 has been allocated yet and the Parent Council has written to councillors setting out our enthusiasm for the planned redevelopment of the school and emphasising again why we believe it is needed urgently and why budget should now be allocated. We have sent this with the backing of the Parent Councils from Trinity, Victoria and Wardie Primary Schools as well, so that there is a collective voice.
The council are expected to be making capital budget allocation decisions in February and we very much hope that budget to allow work on Phase 2 to begin will be allocated then. We’ll continue to update parents and, of course, this will be an ongoing item at Parent Council meetings in the coming months, which you are welcome to come to (the next one is 6:30-8:00pm on Jan 15th).