Wine tasting 27th November

Wine tasting

The next fund raiser for the school is on November 27th at 7:00pm and is the Annual Wine Tasting guided by Appellation Wines of Comely Bank, Edinburgh.

“Last year, we voyaged through the Noble Grape Varietals. This year, we will be taken slightly off the beaten track to discover other great grape varietals which make other wonderful wines, some of which we will already know. Think of Malbec, Viognier, Tempranillo, Gruner Veltliner and you’ll get the idea”

The Ticket price of £15 includes all the wines you will taste. There will also be Cheese and snacks available to go along with your wine.

20% percentage of the sales of any wine bought or ordered on the night will go to the school. This is a great opportunity to get stocked up with wine before Christmas.

You can buy the tickets from Marion Cameron in the Maths department or you can email to reserve tickets.

To ensure we have enough wine for everyone we need to know numbers – so please get in touch as soon as possible.

This was a great night last year and will be a really fun evening again so please try to come along.

Wine glasses

50:50 Club

If you’re new to the school you may not have heard of our 50:50 Club which is a monthly lottery where 50% of the income goes to the winning member and the remainder goes to the school.


It only costs £1 per number per month or £12 per number per year and is open to any parent or staff member.  The draw is made at each Parent Council Meeting, and application forms for a one-off cash payment or standing order are already on the website.

There are two ways of paying:

  1. Standing Order – The form includes instructions to your bank to set up a standing order, either annually or monthly.
  2. Cash or cheque payable to “Trinity Academy Parent Council Lottery”.

Once you have downloaded and completed a form, please return to the school office in an envelope clearly marked 50:50 Club

The more members there are, the bigger the prize!