So, just a week to go now. The excitement was clearly rising among all the pupils on their way to school this morning in their festive jumpers, and the teachers were joining in too – see the photos on the school website!
The Parent Council would like to give our thanks to all the teachers and staff at Trinity Academy, who have worked so hard for all the young people at the school this year. The HMIe follow up report, which is also on the website, recognises this and all the positive improvement initiatives at the school, many of which started while Alec Morris was Rector. These initiatives have been continued and fresh ideas introduced with his usual dynamism and encouragement by Bryan Paterson. Like all reports, it also recognises that there is still room for improvement in some areas, and a follow up inspection will be due next autumn – as Bryan says, bring it on!
A very special thank you is also due on behalf of parents and pupils, past and present, to Allan Spencer, who will be retiring on the last day of this term, after more than 24 years service at Trinity Academy, where Allan was also a pupil. Parents will know Allan best as head of PE and sport and as head of rugby, in organising the international rugby and hockey tours which have been such an important part of many pupils’ memories of Trinity Academy. Some may also be aware of his work outwith the expressive arts department, such as the behind the scenes smooth running of the Open Evening and Christmas Concert this year. It is entirely appropriate that Allan received a special recognition award at Trinity Academy’s inaugural Sports Awards in March this year, which simply said “Allan Spencer, you are a legend!” The school has been remarkably fortunate to have had two such long serving and dedicated legends as Allan Spencer and Carol Graham, both of whom retired this term. We wish them both a very happy retirement.
It has been a really exciting time to be on the Parent Council this year, with lots of changes at the school. Many thanks to everyone who has helped out on the Parent Council in so many different ways, and particular thanks to all the parents and carers, staff and pupils for your support, in attending our fundraising events, donating prizes and buying raffle tickets. Thank you all!
If you have a bit of time these holidays, please take a look at the great new school website, which contains lots of information – blogs from the headteacher, success stories, photos, including the fantastic Christmas Concert, and much more –
And finally – very best wishes to all of you from the Parent Council for a joyful festive season and for a very happy 2016.
Andrew Macmillan (Chair)