2017 AGM

Hands raised to vote with the words ,be involved'

Our AGM will take place on the 15th of November, this year starting a little earlier at 6:00pm. It’s a very relaxed evening where we will be serving refreshments and getting to know any new parents who come along.

This is the meeting where we appoint Parent Council office bearers and set our priorities for the coming year. It’s also the meeting where parents can join the parent Council, either by attending the meeting or by letting us know in advance by email. To be a member, you only need to be the parent or carer of a pupil at Trinity Academy.

  • Would you like to be more involved in the life of the school?
  • Would you like to help to support the school in its work with pupils?
  • Would you like to help to promote contact between the school and parents, pupils and the wider community?
  • Would you like to help to represent the views of parents at Trinity Academy?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then you may find it worthwhile to become a member of the Parent Council. You can note your interest by emailing us or by sending a note to us via the school office or you can just come along on the night.

If being a member of the Parent Council isn’t for you, you can still be involved. All parents and carers are very welcome at any of our meetings and can still take part in most of our activities.

Please consider whether you could help and please do get in touch.