Parent Council Newsletter

Please see below the latest Trinity Academy Newsletter. It includes updates on the planned revisit by HMIE, recent building work plus art, theatre and work experience news. You can also read about a pupil from Trinity Academy recording music on the new album from the band Idlewild.

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a fantastic Easter break.


National Parent Forum’s Revision in a Nutshell Guides

The National Parent Forum has just published new Revision in a Nutshell guides for the new Highers (20 subjects) and updated Revision guides for National 5s (20 subjects).

These revision guides contain direct links to SQA specimen question papers, exemplar question papers plus past question papers, where appropriate. They are designed as digital resources and work well with iPads or other tablets.

The guides advise learners to check with their teachers to make sure that material is relevant. The guides are primarily intended to provide the SQA direct links by subject in one place, and to give some additional revision opportunities (if relevant) which are web-links to school pages or to the websites of subject-relevant organisations. Any feedback or comments would be much appreciated.

20 Revision Guides for the new Higher qualifications

20 Updated Revision Guides for the National 5 Qualifications

The following may also be of interest:

Assessment in the Senior Phase in a Nutshell – This is a summary of the types of assessment in the new National Qualifications.

Learning Pathways in a Nutshell for the Senior Phase and beyond

The National Parent Forum of Scotland’s publications guide

Annual Quiz Night – Friday 27th March 7pm


Please come along to support the Fundraising at Trinity. Ease yourself into the weekend and have a great time…


Calling all ‘Quizzers’ out there…

The Annual Quiz Night will be held on Friday 27th March at 7pmTickets cost £5 which includes a beer/wine or soft drink.
Pupils — make a team & see if you can beat your parents.
Or have a Family team and see if you can beat your neighbours.

Some quotes from last year’s quiz…


“This is a brilliant night, as it is incredibly good fun”

“Not to be missed”

Trinity Academy Community Garden

wp5e807327_05_06Are you a gardener without a garden? Are you on the waiting list for an allotment? Would you like to support your local school?

If you have answered “yes” to these questions, then the Trinity Academy Community Garden could be for you.

The Council is setting up a community garden in Victoria Park over the next two months (using one of the old bowling greens). The school has the chance to take responsibility for part of that garden and are in the process of setting up a “green-fingered” team. A number of pupils and staff have already expressed an interest in the project.

We also need the support of parents and carers if we are to make a success of this venture and, particularly support the garden over the summer breaks. If you are willing to help in any way, please contact Mr Morris at the school by telephone (0131 478 5050) or email.